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Officers Are Trained Periodically In These Areas


CPR and AED Training

This course trains our officers in the skills and knowledge necessary to recognize and provide basic care for breathing emergencies, perform CPR, and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) for victims of sudden cardiac arrest, until advanced medical personnel arrive and take over.

Image by Taylor R

Firearms Training

The Firearms Safety Training Course provides hands on learning opportunities and focuses on making sure that you are confident in how to safely own and accurately shoot a firearm. In this course our employees are taught the rules for safe gun handling, different types of handguns and ammunition, fundamentals of shooting a firearm, and Massachusetts laws regarding the proper transportation and storage of firearms.


Handcuff Training

Topics in this training include the safest approach and positioning for handcuffing, handcuffing non-compliant subjects, prone and kneeling handcuffing, removing handcuffs, and the use of various type of cuffs. This course is also to reduce injury to officers and subjects.


Report Writing

  • Reviewing the different types of reports

  • Recognizing our clients’ needs

  • Writing summaries of incidents that happen on the property

  • Using visual aids (Ex. If pictures are needed in reference to the report)

  • Creating client-specific formats

  • Editing and proofreading reports


Baton Training

This training teaches our officers to identify the stages of conflict in order to recognize the threat, reduce the threat, and determine how and when to use force. They are taught how to use proper defensive positions, methods of movement, drawing techniques, baton counterstrikes, and baton retention.

Mace Training

Through a combination of practical exercises and classroom instructions, our officers will learn how to identify the stages of conflict in order to recognize the threat, reduce the threat, and determine how and when to use force. Officers will apply state of the art tactical concepts such as spraying techniques, disengagement, proper defensive positions, methods of movement, multiple opponent defense, contact and cover system, defense against moving attacks, ground defense, and drawing techniques.

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